I believe that each of us has a unique set of skills, intellects, and experiences. We are all unique. The way the government interacts with our needs is a one size fits all, why?
I believe that people deserve to be met at their place. The government mission is to treat all people the same, why?
I believe that at no time should we treat everyone the same, for any reason. We are all people, unique in every way.
I believe that nuggets can be found everywhere, so I listen to what people say.
I believe that people should be heard in areas that affect them, and their input is critical to success of any plans.
I believe that people should treat others as they would like to be treated.
I believe in the benefit of the doubt.
My mission is to help people in my generation transform local government by becoming more responsive, more transparent, and more proactive. To provide for an environment for economic growth, and always think about the future when making decisions.